Private Flu jab service in Edinburgh
Protect yourself and your loved ones this winter season against the flu with our private flu jab services. Simply book your appointment online or see us in-store. We have good availability throughout the week.
Private Flu Jab: £20
Why get a flu jab?
Flu is a contagious viral disease that can spread by coughing, sneezing or touching contaminated surfaces or people. Stay healthy and protect your friends, family and work colleagues by getting vaccinated. Community pharmacies administered a record number of flu jabs last year. One of our pharmacists will carry out a consultation to ensure that the flu jab is safe and appropriate for you. You may ask any questions that you might have about flu vaccinations during this consultation.
Book your Flu Jab online
Get your flu jab at our pharmacy at a time that suits you. Simply book your appointment online and see us in-store. You will go through a short consultation with our pharmacist before you will be offered the flu jab. For a safe, fast and efficient service, choose Bristo Square Pharmacy in Edinburgh. Book your flu jab today.